
VeritasKids exists to partner with families to teach kids the gospel and show them Jesus. We have VeritasKids every Sunday (except 5th Sundays) during our gatherings for children from birth to 5th grade. Kids will learn the story of the Bible each week and how it all points to Jesus through The Gospel Project curriculum. 5th Sundays are dedicated to Family Worship where all VeritasKids classes are closed and we encourage our families to worship together.


Sunday: 10a


VeritasKids Check-in is located just inside the front door to the left. There you will be greeted by our Check-In team who will assist in making sure your family is checked-in efficiently. Check-In is open from 9:45a-10:15a.

Parent Paging – If we need you during the gathering, the number on your sticker will be displayed.
Child Pick-up – You must present your portion of the sticker before we release your child.

For health standards, children must be free from fever or symptoms of contagious disease for 24 hours before being checked in. Let us know of any allergies or medical conditions your child may have. We do our best to follow procedures and policies which ensure that all children are safe, loved and well cared for.

For a full list of our policies and procedures or to ask any questions, please reach out to our VeritasKids Director, Andi Atkinson.

  1. Nursery - birth - 24 months

  2. Toddlers - age 2 up to 3 years

  3. Preschool - ages 4 up to 5 years

  4. Lower Elementary - Kindergarten - 1st grade

  5. Upper Elementary - 2nd grade - 5th grade

Classrooms have 2 or more trained and background-checked teachers for ideal learning, accountability and ratio-management. All teachers and volunteers are expected to be a partner of Veritas Church, teach the material provided in the lesson, and shepherd our children in a way which is in-line with the beliefs of Veritas Church.


VeritasKids Nursery will have three or more trained and back-ground checked teachers. Usage of The Gospel Project curriculum begins in our Toddler class. These classes have two or more trained and background-checked teachers. Children in the Preschool and Elementary classes will have small group time in their classrooms and also a large group time where they sing songs and learn about Jesus.


If you are interested in serving with VeritasKids, we would love to welcome you onto the team!

VeritasKids partners with families to teach kids the gospel and show them Jesus. VerirtasKids is not childcare. Teachers serve once every four weeks and there are opportunities to serve from check-in to nursery to age specific teachers. Fill out the form below and we will contact you about serving.